Advisory services

As part of our 'excellence in service' code Overberg Asset Management provides holistic advisory services to our clients.

Some things are | beyond wealth

Tailored Advisory Services

Overberg Asset Management provides various auxiliary and holistic advisory services to its clients, where appropriate. These clients are typically High Net Worth (HNW) individuals requiring additional lifestyle, tax and succession planning advice in addition to their domestic and cross-border portfolio management needs.

Overberg will review your aims, ambitions and circumstances of you and/or of your business or trust to provide appropriate, thorough advice and tailormade solutions.

Over time we have identified “best-of-breed” trust, corporate and platform service providers across specialist fields and jurisdictions who espouse a similar philosophy to Overberg, premised on excellence in service, value and performance.

Through careful planning and by utilising certain structures our client value proposition is enhanced, and your long-term financial planning objectives are enriched.

Money Market Accounts

Through selected service providers we offer clients flexible, high yielding and attractive money market options for short-term cash solutions.

Estate Planning and Trust Structuring

Through selected South African and overseas associates, we provide options in South Africa and abroad relating to estate planning, taxation and trust services. Our associate service providers offer a wide range of solutions to help clients achieve the right structure depending on their financial situation.

Such a scheme will also provide you with ease of succession and enhance your legacy through potentially advantageous tax treatment, in certain circumstances. In all circumstances Overberg will work closely with your pension provider to enhance the ease of administration and reduce costs where possible.

Foreign Exchange Services

Through selected service providers we offer clients foreign exchange accounts to facilitate the transfer of funds abroad from South Africa, making use of foreign exchange allowances.


We provide tax guidance in respect of our wealth management services. Our partnership with selected professional tax practitioners, enables you obtain the additional tax services you require. The services include completion of tax returns, ensuring compliance (including authority to the transfer funds offshore), tax advice, and tax opinions. For a custom proposal, please discuss your requirements with one of our capable Wealth Managers.

Cutting edge advice

Get in touch with our team for more information on our advisory and wealth services.

Contact us

Call or email one of our regional offices for any queries or information on our investment portfolios or services. Contacts

Meet the team

Overberg Asset Management has a dedicated management team that take great pride in the level of service we offer. Learn more